Daily Spiritual Steriod prescription - as the divine cardiologist prescribed!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happiness vs Joy... JOY the road less travelled.

"Happiness is experienced in an isolated moment, or for a restricted period. True JOY on the other hand has more to do with near contentment of the soul, only achievable when your spirit is aligned with the Holy Spirit. True JOY is a state of being!"
Carl Pistorius

"We have to exit the mundane, spiritually slow-paced, dragging your feet, follow the next person walk. Enter a vigorous, ALiVE, ground-taking, directional and challenging paced movement; a movement for and in CHRiST!"
Carl Pistorius


  1. Hope u wake up with a smile on your face, a heart full of love and a morning full of inspiration, with a prayer that God will bless u always.

  2. How true my friend, God never wants us as his children to drag our feet, he wants so much more for us.

  3. Give thanks. Give thanks for the results before you see. Don't complain - that shows you doubt God's love and God's answer to your situation. Give thanks in all situations (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

  4. @ Tash: Thank-you Tash.... Every morning as I endeavour to press into GOD, I wake up understanding his love a little more and the Holy Spirit's inspiration continues to awaken in my spirit! HULK ALiVE!

    Hope you have a rocking day my friend... How are things going?


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